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What are the Benefits of Inpatient Rehab?

Residential treatment, or inpatient rehab, is the highest level of treatment offered to those who are struggling with the disease of addiction. Generally, inpatient rehab is most effective for addicts and alcoholics who:

  • Are physically and/or psychologically dependent on drugs and/or alcohol 
  • Have made previous attempts to stop drinking but have been unable to maintain sobriety
  • Are experiencing a severe substance use disorder
  • Do not have an environment conducive to recovery to reside in while obtaining treatment 
  • Have one or more mental illness co-occurring alongside the substance abuse
  • Have been abusing drugs and/or alcohol for an extended period of time

Unlike outpatient treatment programs, residential programs require all clients to reside at the facility for the entirety of their treatment. While many people may feel overwhelmed by the thought of moving into a treatment facility, inpatient rehab changes the lives of those who need it most. 

Benefits of Inpatient Rehab

If inpatient treatment is the right fit for you, then you can stand to benefit greatly from this type of programming. By paying attention, actively engaging in therapy sessions, and doing the work needed to overcome active addiction, your inpatient program can guide you towards living a life of recovery. And, when you apply yourself while in inpatient rehab, the benefits can be endless.

Personalized Treatment Plans

When you enter into a residential drug or alcohol program, you will be immediately connected to professionals who will work to gain a strong understanding of your needs. You will participate in an assessment and an evaluation, as well as conversations with admissions and addiction specialists to determine what modalities will benefit you most. This is arguably the greatest benefit of inpatient rehab, as it allows for more intensive, thorough treatment that can be most effective in getting to the root causes of your substance use disorder. While other addiction treatment programs provide personalized care, they typically do not provide the level of individualized attention that is provided through inpatient rehab. That is simply because clients of other addiction treatment programs do not usually require such intense attention, not because those programs are ineffective or unable to treat this disease. When developing your treatment plan, the staff at inpatient programs are going to consider the following:

  • Your history with substance abuse
  • Your history with mental illness
  • Your family’s history with substance abuse and mental illness
  • Your physical health at the time of admission
  • Your past and current home environments
  • Your experiences with trauma (if applicable)

This is just a small example of the information that the team at an inpatient rehab program gathers in order to build out an effective treatment plan for you. This in itself is a huge benefit of inpatient treatment, but the greater benefit comes from when the plan is enacted and you begin actively growing in your recovery.

group holding hands at an inpatient rehab center

Safe Environment

It is more common than not for people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol to be residing in a space where their use is enabled or even encouraged. Homelessness, living with other substance abusers or staying with family who continually enables your use is not only toxic, but it can be deadly. Enrolling in a residential rehab program takes you out of that negative living environment and puts you into a safe one that is conducive to recovery. 

Inpatient rehabs offer clean, quiet rooming options as well as spaces to engage in therapy both individually and within a group. One of the greatest assets about inpatient rehab is that mind-altering substances are strictly prohibited, helping prevent the possibility for a relapse. 

Evidence-Based Treatment

Without the proper therapeutic care, a disease as powerful and all-consuming as addiction can rage on. Thankfully, addiction can be treated (although not cured) with the help of evidence-based treatments.

Evidence-based treatments are therapeutic treatments that have been proven effective in reducing the symptoms of addiction. In residential treatment programs throughout the country, these evidence-based treatments are most frequently used:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)
  • Individual therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Group therapy 
  • Contingency management
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Experiential therapy
  • Trauma therapies (including eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, or EMDR)

Because inpatient rehab is the highest level of treatment available for addiction, the mental health professionals who work in this type of setting are usually highly skilled and experienced in providing these and other effective therapies. Receiving care from this caliber of professionals is also one of the many benefits of inpatient rehab.


Studies show that the longer people remain in rehab, the more likely they are to remain in recovery. Inpatient rehab usually lasts 30, 60, or 90 days at a time, depending on the client’s needs. The length of time that you spend in residential treatment will be reflective of your own unique needs and progress in recovery, but no matter how long you stay, the benefit of time is priceless.

With the time provided to you in inpatient rehab, you can truly focus on your disease and work to overcome the challenges associated with it. The bonus here is that you can also clear your mind during this time, allowing for the time you spend in inpatient rehab to be most productive. 

Continuity of Care

It is beyond easy to slip back into active addiction, which is why obtaining the right treatment from the very beginning is imperative. Many people who participate in inpatient rehab complete the program but later realize that they can benefit from continued treatment in a different setting. Being enrolled in inpatient treatment immediately connects you to the possibility of continuity of care, as those professionals and specialists who are providing your inpatient rehab can refer you to additional programs and even get you enrolled in continued care directly after you complete inpatient treatment. This eliminates the risk of completing a program and immediately transitioning back into your everyday life if you are not fully prepared to do so. 

Do You Need Professional Addiction Treatment? Call Us Today.

If you are ready to stop using drugs or alcohol, call us right now. Our inpatient rehab in Columbus, OH is staffed with compassionate, trained professionals who can help you build a life of recovery. 

You do not need to keep using. Call us right now to find out if our inpatient rehab in Columbus, OH is right for you.

One response to “What are the Benefits of Inpatient Rehab?

  • Nelson Fogerty

    4 years ago

    It’s interesting that you mention that Suboxone treatment can help an addicted person stop using heroin. My sister is addicted to heroin, so I’m considering recommending Suboxone treatment to her. I’m going to search for a reputable medical clinic in the area that offers Suboxone treatment to recommend.

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